Honoring Elders – wisdom of old


Atlantic fisherman - weather man of old Atlantic fisherman – weather man of old Tom O’Donoghue

I found myself in the midst of some climate change deniers on facebook today. I hate engaging in climate arguments – I find at this stage anyone in denial is so caught up in the propaganda that there’s no point. They just want to play ping pong with everything you say and dip into the “facts” the denial lobby concoct.

When taunted about facts and historical data I could easily have quoted some of the many reports freely available online. Instead I reverted back to family.

Before my grandfather died in ’96, having fished the Atlantic all of his life, he stated he hadn’t ever seen the tide rise as high. This is a man who could read the weather by the moon, tides and nature. A man whose life depended upon noticing nature. I trust his judgement more than any…

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Published by Theresa OD

Change maker and mother of 5 living in the west of Ireland

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